#MountMusic is our way of getting to know the faces of the Mount through interview style blogs and hand-curated spotify playlists! Music is one of the things that unifies us all, so let's have some fun and get to know the Director of HEOP/CSTEP, Kelvin Herrera-Hassan. Plus, be sure to follow the Mount on Spotify by going to msmc.edu/Spotify!
Name: Kelvin Herrera-Hassan
Title: Director of HEOP/CSTEP
How long have you been at the Mount? 3 years
What is your favorite part of being at the Mount?
Working with our students! Our student group pushes me to be better everyday (both literally and figuratively!), when we were doing our workout Wednesday initiative last year, they would never let me win. One day, I did a personal best of 285 push ups and was the leader for the day until one of our students came in and went for 315! I blame old age :(
What would your biggest piece of advice be to an incoming student?
Take full advantage of everything the Mount has to offer! The four years you're going to spend here will fly by and you have the chance to make each and every day memorable! Join clubs, become an RA, go to events, travel with friends— there's so much to do, but make sure to get involved some way!
What is your go-to karaoke song?
I would say "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. It's a song that once the intro comes on, everyone knows what time it is haha. The tone of the song gives me throwback vibes with a modern twist and overall, it's an ultimate feel good song!
What is your favorite music to listen to while working?
I would say it has to be a mix of afrobeats and some hiphop. I have over 4,000 songs in my library, with music from all genres, so sometimes I would just let it play on random.
Can you pick a few songs from your playlist and tell us why they’re on there?
Let's start with "Tuscan Leather" by Drake. This song came out during my senior year in college, so it immediately brings back those nostalgic college day memories! The song itself switches beats three times, so in a way, it's about three songs in one! Not to mention, Tom Ford Tuscan Leather smells amazing!