Swank Digital Campus offers access to feature films, documentaries, and TV shows.  Titles are selected by faculty and librarians to meet the needs of specific courses and will vary from semester to semester.  All of the selected titles appear on the Swank home page. These films can be viewed by all Mount students, faculty, and staff.

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING SWANK ACCESS:  We are experiencing sporadic technical glitches in reaching the Swank site.  The most common is the dreaded 404-NOT FOUND error message.  Luckily, there is a simple fix - in that case, go back and try the link again.  You should get in with no further trouble.  If this doesn't work for you, or you encounter any other issues, please contact library@msmc.edu.

CITATION HELP:  Instructions for citing films, television programs, and online videos can be found on the Streaming Video library guide, on the "Citing a Video" tab.

FACULTY:  You may choose from over 25,000 films to support classroom instruction.  To search for available titles, first register as an instructor by clicking the Login/Instructor link at the top of the page.

Swank films can be embedded into eClass in a few steps.  You can also create playlists and clips for your class.  For instructions, visit our Streaming Video library guide and choose the "Faculty Use - Swank" tab.

► Films licensed through Swank can be viewed online for individual or course use only. Public or group viewings of these films outside a class setting are strictly prohibited. To arrange a legal public viewing, please contact library@msmc.edu.


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