All are welcome.

We put that first because it’s the most important thing for you to know about us. While the Mount is a college in the Catholic and Dominican tradition, that doesn’t mean you have to be Catholic, Christian, or even religious to participate in the Dominican Sisters of Hope Campus Ministry.

And there’s no pressure on your level of involvement. Want to go to Mass daily or weekly? Great! Join our numerous students who regularly attend Mass together or even volunteer as lectors or altar servers. Just want to show up to a meeting and get some free mac and cheese? We’re cool with that. We mean this when we say it: All are truly welcome, and you will belong here, no matter your background.

Discover FAITH. Discover Family.


“Campus Ministry meant a lot to me during my four years at MSMC. They really helped me find students of the same faith, and helped me grow in my own. I enjoyed being able to pop into weekly Bible study or even being able to chat with Father Greg.”

Jennifer Turci ’20
Jennifer Turci ’20

Mass Times

Come and worship with us! All Masses take place during the school year in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary and are open to the public.

Sunday: 6 pm
Monday-Friday: 8 am

We also offer confession weekly, as announced. All are welcome to come by for a few minutes of quiet prayer or to talk with Fr. Greg.

Off-Campus Places of Worship

If you are from another faith tradition or would like to worship off campus, here are a number of religious organizations in the local area. Fr. Greg would also be happy to help you find a local house of worship; just contact Campus Ministry.

“Henry Beecher said ‘The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.’ Our Campus Ministry is not only a safe place to protect your faith, but a safe place to grow, be challenged and to enhance your spiritual journey. Inspiration is why you will want to be part of our family.” - Alyssa Esteves ’23

Confirmation group 2019

Becoming Catholic

If you’re interested in receiving some of your sacraments or becoming Catholic, our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program is available for students looking to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation. We’ve been thrilled to welcome dozens of students to Catholicism each year through this program. Please contact Fr. Greg if you are interested.

Weddings and Funerals

Many of our alumni love to come back to campus to get married in our Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary. If you are a Mount alumnus/na interested in getting married in the chapel, please contact Fr. Greg at 845-569-3154 or for more information.

Funerals and memorial Masses and services can only be held for members of the Dominican Sisters of Hope and the MSMC community.

“Campus ministry is the heart and soul of the campus in terms of giving back to the community. They are constantly finding ways to help give back.”

Alex Maher ’21
Alex Maher ’21

Our Chaplain

- by Mack the Knight

Chaplain, Director of Campus Ministry, and World’s Coolest Priest (okay we made up that last title, but we stand by it)

Fr. Gregoire Fluet

Vice President for Mission and Ministry and Adjunct Instructor of History and Religious Studies
Email Address

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