In its 2025 Best Colleges rankings, Niche has recognized Mount Saint Mary College as a top school across several categories, both nationally and regionally.
With in-depth profiles on every college in America and search and data tools, Niche is a popular website that helps students find which college is right for them.
The following ratings for 2025 are based on information from the U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation, as well as opinions of students.
Niche ranked the Mount in the top ten percent nationally as a Best Value College, coming in at #142 nationwide and #20 in New York State. At the Mount, more than 99 percent of first-year students receive scholarships and grants, with the average freshman scholarship and grants totaling $29,202. The Mount awarded more than $26 million in scholarships and grants during the 2023-2024 school year.
In addition, Niche named the Mount in the top 25 percent in the state for Best College Dorms and ranked the Mount as one of the Best Colleges for History, nationally and in New York State.
The Mount is offering an Open House event for all interested students this semester on Sunday, December 8. Students can register at www.msmc.edu/OpenHouse.
Located 60 miles north of New York City, the Mount offers bachelor’s degree programs preparing students for careers in Healthcare, Business, Education, Social Services, Communication/Media, and more. Master’s degree programs include options in Nursing, Business, and Education.