The Registrar’s Office oversees the academic process from enrollment through graduation. We maintain student academic records and policies, transcripts, FERPA, course scheduling, and more. Frequently requested forms for new, returning, and graduating students can be found here. Additional forms for current students can be found on their MSMC portal.
Transferring Credits into MSMC
Mount Saint Mary College's transfer equivalency site is intended as a guide for our prospective transfer students. Please read the following information before you continue:
The information in this system is provided as a guide as to how classes at your current or former institution may transfer to MSMC. The fact that a course appears in this list is no guarantee that the course will transfer in your individual case. Additionally, some courses may not appear on this list, but may be eligible for transfer.
Final determination of transfer credit acceptance is ultimately made by the College Registrar and Division Chairs upon admittance to MSMC. You must submit sealed official transcripts of all completed coursework before a final determination can be made on credit transfer.
I have read this and I understand: View Credit Transfer Guide.
Registrar FAQs
You have questions, we have answers.
FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. It was passed in order to protect students’ privacy and to prevent the college from releasing information (to anyone other than the student) without written permission. A FERPA Release form must be signed by the student in order to release any non-directory information. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@msmc.edu.
To order a copy of your official academic transcript through Parchment, click here. This is a fast, simple, and secure way of requesting your transcript.
For proof of enrollment you can retrieve this information from the MSMC Portal under the Academics tab. (Please note we cannot verify the fall/spring semester enrollment until after the add/drop period ends.) Forms may be emailed to registrar@msmc.edu and can be picked up 72 hours after they are submitted.
For more information, please directly contact our VA Certifying Officer in the Registrar’s Office at 845-569-3249. Also please refer to the Department of Veterans Affairs Education Homepage. This site provides links to information regarding how to apply for the GI Bill® and FAQs.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
You can find out the name of your advisor by logging on to the MSMC portal and clicking on the Academics tab. Under Academic Information, the name of your academic advisor will be listed as well as your major. If you do not see any individual indicated, please contact the administrative assistant of the division in which you are majoring.
In order to take a summer class, you need to fill out the appropriate form. The Permission Slip can be found either in the Registrar’s Office or on their Portal page here. Once you have the form, it needs to be signed by your academic advisor and by the division chairperson which houses the type of class you are trying to take. Once both signatures are on the form, it needs to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office BEFORE taking the class. Upon completion of the course with a grade of ‘C’ or better, you will need to have an official transcript sent to the Registrar’s Office. Once the transcript is received, the student’s record is updated accordingly.
For an official withdrawal, please find the online form on the MSMC Portal here. By submitting this form, you will be notifying our office, Financial Aid, and Residence Life all at once. No additional work will be required on your end.
Please Note: Even if you plan on transferring to another college, you still must withdraw from Mount Saint Mary College.
Mount Saint Mary currently has articulation agreements with Dutchess County Community College, Orange County Community College, Rockland County Community College, Sullivan County Community College, Ulster County Community College, and Westchester Community College. If you have any direct questions, you can contact 845-569-3281.
Mount Saint Mary College will accept transfer credits from institutions that have Regional and Governmental Accreditation. A maximum of 66 credits may be transferred from a 2-year institution. A maximum of 90 credits may be transferred from a 4-year institution. If you have any specific questions, please contact 845-569-3281.