General Science
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Having trouble deciding which aspect of science you want to focus on? Our Interdisciplinary major in General Science combines all of the fundamental elements of our Biology and Chemistry majors, giving you a more holistic view of the field and preparing you for success in a variety of areas.
Why study General Science?
Here’s what makes the Mount’s General Science degree unique:
- Make it your own: As an Interdisciplinary Studies major, you get to forge your own path. Working closely with an advisor to keep you on track, you’ll pick from a variety of science courses that interest you and align with your goals.
- Science family: Welcome to the Natural Sciences family! Our science majors are some of the close knit on campus. You’ll constantly find them working together outside of class, writing lab reports or participating in research. The best part? They have a place at the table saved for you.
- Pass it on: If you’re planning on becoming an elementary school science teacher, the versatility of this degree allows you not only to understand science, but also gives you what you need to share that love with others.
Kathleen Murray ’22“Choosing to study General Science has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. This program has pushed me to become a better student, and beyond that it has allowed me to accomplish things that I never dreamed were possible. I love Mount Saint Mary College and am forever grateful for the science department that has changed my life!”
What to expect as a General Science student
Learn about Interdisciplinary Studies major academic requirements and courses here.
As a General Science student, you’ll combine coursework in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics to develop a holistic understanding of the field. Similar to our Biology and Chemistry majors, you’ll start out with principles courses to develop the basics and continue to build on that foundation with additional courses.
Outside of the classroom, you’ll have numerous opportunities to continue your learning. Whether volunteering with Family Science Night, taking part in the SURE summer research experience, or even participating in conservation efforts abroad, you’ll be putting your General Science studies into action from day one.
Be prepared for your future
Our General Science degree pairs nicely with certification in Elementary Education, so many of our General Science graduates go on to teach the subject they love. Others use their science background as a motivator to attend graduate or professional school and go into the fields of education, research, or health care. We even had one General Science alum who decided to go into environmental law! A degree in General Science gives you the flexibility to be prepared for wherever your degree takes you.
Lynn Maelia

Evan Merkhofer

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